The launch of Volkswagen’s electric vehicle, the VW ID.7, did not initially meet the company’s expectations. However, the VW ID.7 Tourer, the estate version of the model, seems to be turning the tide. Production at the Emden plant is soon expected to match the numbers of the VW Passat, according to the optimistic statements of the plant manager, Uwe Schwartz (via “”).

With a production volume of 190,000 units, the VW ID.7 Tourer has surpassed expectations by 50,000 units. This has led to the efficient utilisation of the two-shift production model. Nevertheless, the plant manager believes that there is still room for growth. In theory, switching to a three-shift model could boost production to 250,000 units, although this may be an overly optimistic target for 2025.

VW ID.7 Tourer: Future Prospects and Demand

The ID.7 Tourer shows significant potential, especially among business clients and families. However, this alone may not be sufficient to meet the ambitious goals set by the company. Currently, around 250,000 vehicles could be produced if a three-shift model were adopted. Nevertheless, VW remains cautious and is waiting to see if demand continues to rise.

VW Falls Short Again: The New World’s Largest Automaker

Once again, Volkswagen has missed out on the top spot among the world’s largest automakers. To find out which company currently leads the race, stay tuned for further details.