In what marks the most expensive acquisition in its history, Munich-based Serviceplan Group has taken over data service provider Laya, previously part of the now insolvent Signa Group owned by real estate and retail magnate René Benko. This move signals a strategic pivot towards exploiting the burgeoning retail media sector, which promises a less intrusive advertising experience for consumers.

Retail media, the practice of companies placing advertisements directly within online shops, is seen as less annoying by consumers who are already in the mindset to make purchases. This method allows firms to target potential buyers more accurately using the retailer’s data. As the advertising market faces increasing pressures, retail media is emerging as a potentially lucrative growth area, expected to soon overshadow traditional TV advertising as the dominant platform for retailer-based marketing.

Serviceplan, Europe’s largest owner-managed communications group with prestigious clients such as BMW, Lufthansa, and Penny, is eager to partake in this growth. The group’s media agency, Mediaplus, has completed the purchase of Laya Group, positioning itself to capitalize on this innovative advertising sector. This strategic acquisition was first reported by Handelsblatt and indicates Serviceplan’s commitment to expanding its influence in a market poised for exponential growth.